Competitive Advantages
The most complete Open Source Java CRM
No other Java based free product offers such a wide range of features.
Support for all common databases and operating systems
hipergate may run on Linux or Windows using either PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle or SQL Server.
Synergic application suite
Each application can work independently or with the full suite. Each functional module can be activated while the server is running, and a single user, department or customer can be licensed for a certain module. This allows end user to subscribe only to the applications that actually need, without having to pay for the whole package as happens in the actual software solutions.
Strategic Solution
hipergate may be used by small enterprises or by very large companies. The product allows organizing all kinds of customer centric processes.
Office Interoperability
hipergate recognizes and indexes Word documents, may load contacts from Outlook Express and output listings in Excel.
Easy and intuitive workspace
All applications are accessible from an easy tabbed menu. This interface is designed with easiness and low learning curve in mind.
Self-administratired by end user
hipergate offers a predefined administrative module with 4 basic user profiles: administrator, superuser, user and guest. Each profile is capable only to perform certain tasks inside the application.